The Old Schoolhouse Review Crew & What It's Meant to Me
I was first made aware of the TOS Review Crew when I began reading Jacquelin's blog,
A Stable Beginning , around 2011. I was often amazed by the many resources she was able to use with her girls.
For a few years, I pondered if I, too, could review homeschool curriculum. I wondered about the requirements and such, but I didn't have the confidence to reach out and ask. That's the thing about blogging and me, I always thought those who did reviews and such must have some astronomical behind the scenes numbers. Well, I don't have astronomical numbers, but last year I decided that I would apply for the Crew because it was something I wanted to do. Simple as that.
I applied after the cut off because I happened to come across their Google + page and saw the deadline had just passed. I had already resolved that if I didn't get selected that it was okay because it was pass the date, but something within told me to try and be optimistic. I am glad that I listened because being on the Crew this year was and is a huge blessing for my family and me.
What is the Old Schoolhouse Review Crew?
It is a group of women and a man :), who primarily review curriculum, but also other fun products that may not necessarily be teaching related. This group of reviewers offer encouragement to one another in regards to blogging, homeschooling, and praying. I am not sure of everyone's faith, but I can say that the people in this group have a heart for one another.
The group is managed by a few awesome women who keep everything on schedule. There are expectations so it's not like some of the book review opportunities where you can post your review whenever you want to so one has to be willing to work within some time restraints.
What has the Crew meant to me?
As you all may know by now, my family and I took a plunge and moved to another state. Our move was total faith and everything we have (had) is (was) comes from our Father. There were times during our transition where I became uncomfortable, but I tell you having the Crew in my life provided me with hope. What do I mean? He knew exactly what we were walking into and He also knew our responses. When I began to think about the bank account running low as I began planning for our school year, He had already provided us with curriculum and not just the curriculum from the Crew, but from other companies that I had been eyeing. Although we still purchased some curriculum, He blessed us with the extras that I am sure we would have needed to wait to purchase.
It's not only about the curriculum. I have been motivated to write more. This season has been about me being okay with being authentic and vulnerable. Since the crew has a requirement to write non-review or sponsored posts, I didn't take a blogging break this year and that felt great. It was just the inspiration that I needed, and it wasn't forced.
What about the Crew and YOU?!

Well, applications are open for new reviewers. There is a need so if it is placed on your heart to open your blog to reviews, I can't help but think the TOS Review Crew might just be the place for you. Like I stated above, there are commitment requirements so it's not just about getting free curriculum, but it is also about offering a service to the businesses who support homeschooling. If this sounds like something you could do for the upcoming season which runs from December to November, please consider applying .
If you have any specific questions about the Crew, please don't hesitate to ask.
Be blessed!

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