What I'm Learning: He Still Cares About All the Details
This week wasn't too shabby. We observed the Day of Atonement on Wednesday so "school" did not take place. It was a relaxed day filled with prayer, repentance, prayer, repentance, and worship.
The latter part of the week I prepared for my first women's conference as a vendor. I didn't allow myself to become overwhelmed because I knew my presence at the conference was the work of my Creator. It was truly His will and doing which led me to exhibit the work I create in honor of Him. As I sat at the computer one afternoon strolling down Facebook, a quiet voice prompted me to send a message to the conference page. I don't remember what I said, but I do remember thinking this is crazy. Nowhere had I seen that they were offering vendor spaces. It took awhile before I received a response, and I was given the opportunity to share my work. Not only was I given the opportunity to share my work, but I wasn't charged for being a vendor.
I have fully given our jewelry business over to Him. It doesn't mean that I no longer make an effort, but it means that I have found contentment in trusting in Him as regards my well-being and finances. This season it has been placed on my heart to turn my focus to my home. Although I have almost always been home, there have been seasons where my mind has not been here. Actually, it was everywhere, but here.
In turning my mind and focus to my home, I don't dedicate much space in my brain to how can I grow my business or how can I get more exposure. During this season, I have become sensitive to things that He speaks to me related Alexandria's Authentically Made Jewelry. In doing so, each month He continues to amaze me by the people He brings into my life. He knows when I begin to wonder if the work good enough. He knows when my account is getting low and I need more materials or enough to cover my website fees. He knows everything I need to keep to doing the thing I have been called to do in this season even if I am not dedicating hours upon hours a week to it.
Today I attended the conference, I was blessed beyond my expectations. I was blessed my the messages the speakers spoke. I was blessed by the interactions I had with other women. I was blessed to have positive words spoken into my life. I was blessed to be able to speak positive words into other women's lives.
The thing is making jewelry is a form of worship for me. It grounds me. It helps me to not become idle when there is a "down" moment or I need a little alone time. When I go to events or receive online orders, it allows be to be in community with people I wouldn't otherwise have met. For a person who once struggled with talking to strangers, this is a big thing. I am thankful that He blesses me while I am doing something I enjoy. I am thankful that He uses what I enjoy to grow me.
What are some ways has the Father spoken to you lately? Have you noticed His hand in your life?
Be Blessed!

©2009- 2015 A Little This... A Little That. All rights reserved. All photographs, text, artwork, and other content may not be reproduced or transmitted in any form without the written permission of the author. http://lilthisandthat.com
Romans 8:28 |
I have fully given our jewelry business over to Him. It doesn't mean that I no longer make an effort, but it means that I have found contentment in trusting in Him as regards my well-being and finances. This season it has been placed on my heart to turn my focus to my home. Although I have almost always been home, there have been seasons where my mind has not been here. Actually, it was everywhere, but here.
The table before I put everything away. I forgot to take a set-up picture. |
One of the co-founders, Raechel Myers, spoke at the conference. She was great at edifying us. |
The thing is making jewelry is a form of worship for me. It grounds me. It helps me to not become idle when there is a "down" moment or I need a little alone time. When I go to events or receive online orders, it allows be to be in community with people I wouldn't otherwise have met. For a person who once struggled with talking to strangers, this is a big thing. I am thankful that He blesses me while I am doing something I enjoy. I am thankful that He uses what I enjoy to grow me.
What are some ways has the Father spoken to you lately? Have you noticed His hand in your life?
Be Blessed!

©2009- 2015 A Little This... A Little That. All rights reserved. All photographs, text, artwork, and other content may not be reproduced or transmitted in any form without the written permission of the author. http://lilthisandthat.com