I Am My Mother's Child
"Above all, keep loving one another earnestly, since love covers a multitude of sins."
1 Peter 4:8 (ESV)
At the top of the year, my heart was overwhelmed and my mind was full. I knew during this time that I needed to take break from my mother. It was a difficult decision, but I felt peace. I didn't know the length of this break.
I haved shared before that my parents have their vices which tend to cause separation from others. I used to be ashamed. I used to be hurt. I used to be angry.
Some may think the negative emotions helped me choose to take a break, but that wasn't the cause. I have learned that it's okay to step out situations in order for God to do His will. I wanted to control my mother, in particular. I wanted to heal her. So much so that I rarely prayed from my parents. In my little brain, I couldn't fathom "this" prayer being answered. I didn't want to be disappointed. Isn't that sad? Here we are trusting God to provide and leaving a place of comfort, but I wasn't trusting Him with the one He created and used to create me.
The break is over now. It lasted two months. She understood. Today we are headed to visit them. I love hearing my mom's voice when there is happiness there.
The scripture above came from this week's bible study. I didn't fully comprehend and maybe I still don't, but I know that my mom and I were placed in each others' lives for a reason. I can't heal her. I can't take her pain away. But, I can love her. I am loving her.
Addictions are a tricky thing, but I am up for the challenge through Him.
Check out Darcel's I am post on The Mahogany Way.

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