A Season of Gratitude :: A Short List of Thankfulness
Hey, y'all! It is my hope and prayer that each of you are in good health and spirit. Since it is that time of the year where we focus on the blessings whether good or bad, I thought it was only fitting to share a few things which I am grateful for today.
- Our new town. I grew so much in our former town, but I often felt like I was suffocating there. I really, really missed being closer to our family even though we still aren't in the same state as our families, we are much closer which means we get to see them more often. There are also more opportunities here which is another blessing not because we enjoy being busy, but because we learn quite a bit through experiences.
- Our church. I love the fact that our church is heavily involved in the community. This was a prayer that I thought would never be answered if I were to be honest. I appreciate the fact that our pastor stays in the Word. He encourages and He does not mince words. I need this because I truly desire to be a better each day I am here.
- 5,000. This is the first ministry that my entire family has been able to serve together outside of our holiday serving. The girls and I would often serve at food banks by ourselves because my husband was at work. The 5,000 which is a ministry through our church allows us to serve every week together. We all have grown so much. Never would I have imagined that we would all be immersed in the homeless, low income community. The girls have grown in their ability to pray for others along with themselves.
- My family. My husband and daughters are awesome! I rarely brag on them because I don't want them to get big heads, LOL. :) They truly are gifts. They are patient, helpful, kind, hardworking, willing, and just plain wonderful. No matter the stage of life we are in, I am grateful to be able to do life with them.
- My extended family. My parents and my husband's mom and siblings are pretty awesome too. I am truly blessed to have people who believe in my adult life. I spent my early years being so afraid and uncertain of myself. I know a lot of that had to do with being parentless, but I am so grateful that my parents are in my life now. They support me when it comes to teaching the girls and growing my jewelry business. I am grateful for a mother-in-love who has taken me into her family and has filled in the gap many times when I couldn't deal with my own mother. She encourages me and cheers me on, and for this I am appreciative.
- My friends. I have a great bunch of friends. I am thankful for the one who decorated and sent me boxes to gift my customers who purchase jewelry. I am thankful for the many who listen. I am thankful for the one who gifted us a dryer because we didn't own one. I am thankful for the ones who attempt to understand me and my quirky ways. I am thankful for the many who are honest with me. I am thankful for the one who shoots me an email at just the right time. I am thankful for the one who held me through the tears and the pain. I couldn't imagine life without my bunch of friends. They encourage me. They hold me accountable.
- My online buddies. You all mean so much to me. The comments. The purchases. The likes and follows. None of those things go unnoticed by me. I have found new people to pray for through this blog and social media. I have found friends who I can ask questions when I doubt. I have been encouraged by those who have yet to meet me. I have found hope through the writing of others who have experienced similar things.
- My Creator. All of the things I listed above I know for certain I wouldn't have if I didn't have Father who loves and cherishes me. He knows me. He loves. He disciplines me. He stops me. He pushes me. He longs for me as I long for HIM. I will probably never be able to fully articulate all the things He has done for me and through me, but I know that it was all Him.
As the year winds down, I hope my list will continue to grow because this truly is a short list.
What are you grateful for?
Be blessed,

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