DIY: Birdfeeder Using Simply Lemonade Container
This morning as I returned from walking Eva, I noticed that one of the Robin's eggs had been blown from the tree and was cracked. The girls have been observing the eggs and checking on them almost daily. We felt sad that the egg wouldn't hatch. Ramya and I {Dania was still sleeping} were inspired to create a bird feeder to hang on the tree so that the mommy bird wouldn't have to travel as far for food. I sorta wish we would have made it earlier.
We used a recycled Simply Lemonade jug, acrylic paint, a wooden dowel, ribbon, and scissors to create our feeder.
I cut a hole in the front of the jug, and then rinse the jug once more.
Ramya and I started the painting process. I love her rainbow. Dania joined us before we finished and added a few details.

After painting the jug, I made a hole under the opening for the wooden dowel. I actually had to break it in half so that it wouldn't be too long. We also added holes to the top of the jug for the string. It seemed like a better idea to place holes at the top for the string versus hanging it by the handle.

Once we painted and added the additional hardware needed, we added bird feed. We used one of the Scott's brand mixes. Then we hung our feeder on the tree where the nest rests, but not too close. It's actually on the other side of the tree.

Creating the bird feeder with the girls was a great start to this morning!
