The Uncomfortableness in Transition
A few years ago, I prayed that God would make me uncomfortable. I felt like I was becoming stagnant, and getting use to be in the safe zone. Not really living my faith out because I guess I didn't really have to, but maybe I was living my faith out and didn't realize it at the time. Either way, I prayed that prayer. I don't regret it.
It wasn't as if my life got turned upside down 5 minutes later, but over the years I have noticed the ways I have been called out of my comfort zone. It can be scary, but it is peaceful. I am not fearful. That's the one of the biggest things I appreciate. I am not afraid because I know that I am not alone.

As you all know, we made a move a few months. We are in a transition time. As you all know, transitions are rarely easy and often uncomfortable. The most uncomfortable part about our move was finding employment. We are committed to teaching the girls at home, but if I am honest I wondered if I was supposed to hit the pavement too since it was taking awhile for my husband to secure employment.
The above scripture along with


Kept me grounded in what is true and never changing. I don't want to return to what is easy, but instead stay in a constant state of trusting Him with all things. I am learning more and more everyday that when I fully trust Him, He will use me to do things that are one unimaginable to me and two may not have been possible if I was trying to be in total control of everything.
If you are in a transition period, ride the wave and enjoy it. I know for certain that you will definitely grow and learn. Don't forget to take notes because you may need the reminders in the future.
This post is inspired by the What's Your Story? series by Darcel at The Mahogany Way.
Be blessed,

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