What We're Learning : Baptism
Baptism has been an event that our girls have looked forward to since they witnessed my baptism in January 2011. Every baptism after that they wondered if I would get baptized again, and then they began to wonder when they would be baptized.
We have always wanted the girls to make choices regarding their faith. We know that we can't give them salvation nor does our salvation save them. As their primary teacher in our home, it has been imperative for me to teach them about having their own faith versus giving them my leftovers. I lived that way for so long that I did not want that for them.
So fast forward to June 2015 when both of our daughters were baptized.
It was an awesome experience because it was of their own choosing. They both had decided to be baptized before we moved, but there was a huge snowstorm on the scheduled day and the new date was after we had already moved. Although I knew Baptism weekend was coming up in our new church I didn't tell the girls in advance. I wasn't sure if they felt the same way they felt six months ago. I desired for their baptisms to still happen because of their own hearts.
When we arrived at church that Saturday evening, I told our oldest daughter and she was excited. She was all in. Since our youngest daughter didn't show much enthusiasm at our old church, I wasn't sure if she really wanted to go through with being baptized so I was surprised when she ran out of her classroom to inform us that she was also getting baptized that night.
They were able to choose who they wanted to baptize them. D chose her teacher, and R chose a young lady who she connected with at the homeless shelter we serve. Although we didn't submerge them, we were right there and prayed over them before they went under.
This moment was one of the most precious moments we have shared as a family.
Our sisters in Christ. They think it's cool that they are are my sisters and daughters :)
Be blessed,

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