Tips for Getting It All Done Without Going Insane
It is often perceived that mothers are able to get every single thing done on our little checklists. Well, I'll be the first to tell you, I often do get most things on my checklist done. Want to to know my secret? I don't put a lot on it. I give myself permission to not get everything in my mind done before I create my daily goals.
Being realistic when planning your day will often allow you to exceed your expectations.
Each day I start with prayer followed by prioritizing. On any given day, my checklist may have a maximum of five things on it. If I am lucky, I am able to squeeze in something extra like this blog post.
Four Simple Tips for Getting It All Done
1. Allow yourself to rise with peace. What does this mean? Don't overwhelm yourself before your feet hit the floor. Take a moment to clear your head using whatever methods work best for you. I tend to wake and pray which is followed by reflecting in the window, especially, if it is a beautiful morning.
2. Don't neglect yourself. If I start the day off with neglecting myself, then it is more likely for me to become irritated. I start my day by taking care of myself first. I take a 15-20 minute walk which includes prayer. I shower. I eat. The order I do these things isn't always the same, but every morning I make sure I tend to my needs.
3. Create a list of goals for the day. I write my goals down in my planner. By writing my goals down, I can clearly see exactly what I want to accomplish. Being flexible is one thing I am pretty good at, but when I want to get certain things done I need to have clear expectations so I can actually accomplish my goals.
Remember it doesn't all have to be done today! For instance, my goals for today are teaching the girls, doing something fun with them, wash and fold two loads of laundry, cook dinner, and go to to work. That's it. Chances are I will have time to do more, but the something more will be a bonus.
4. Enlist your family to help. The girls are helpful. They help with folding, picking up after themselves, and fixing their own lunch. Teaching children that they are part of the team and all members have to help for the team to be successful is a valuable skill.
Part of the reason that I have loosened the reigns and given myself more freedom is the fact that I do not want my girls to remember me as always being tired or frustrated. I also realized there are other things outside my home I would like to pursue, but while pursuing those things I can't fully neglect my home and family.
Every family's dynamic is different; be mindful of your family's needs when establishing ways to set and meet your goals. We are in a season where our children are a little more independent, my husband is more helpful, and my additional work doesn't cause me stress.
How do you get it all done?