Attending a Parenting Conference Can Help You Be a Better Parent
If you've been a parent for any amount of time, you may have come to the conclusion that parenting can be tough. For some these moments of toughness aren't as frequent while for others parenting may be a constant battle. No matter which camp you fall into it's easy to feel alone on the parenting journey even when there are millions of other parents.
I hadn't been to a conference geared towards parenting in a few years. With our move and getting my footing in this new season of parenting attending a parenting conference simply wasn't on my radar. But it should have been. Since so much was changing I can have used the inspiration and words of wisdom that often come from such conferences. When I went to my first parenting conference in 2011, I learned that making it a point to be encouraged by other parents can make the parenting journey a tad bit easier.
Four Things You Gain From Attending a Parenting Conference
- Be in community with like-minded parents. The Whole Child Conference followed a theme which reflects its name, caring for the whole child including spiritual, emotional, physical, and educational needs. This meant that those who attended the conference cared about these aspects of parenting and caring for children just as much as I do. When you are around like-minded individuals, it allows you to more authentic and transparent. One mom who attended wasn't afraid of showing and sharing her emotions at the conference, and I am certain this was because she knew she would be surrounded by people who cared. This was evident when she was surrounded and comforted by many new friends.
- Get answers to questions that have been bogging you down. Blogs and books are great, but there's something life-changing about being able to sit and talk to someone in real time. At the conference, I had some much needed questions answered. During the networking event, I met Luanne who offers therapy through equine activities, and the conversation we had about emotions really helped me to return home with a different viewpoint. It was freeing, and I am a better mother for it. I have noticed a difference in my daughters since changing my perspective.
- It edifies you in your parenting strengths. I know I am not the only one who wonders if I am doing it right. Many of us are doing it right in particular areas while some areas are our weak spots and will simply need refining day by day, but nonetheless we all have parenting strengths. Luanne not only helped me to see things differently, but she also edified me in the areas that I am doing well in as a parent. She encouraged me to keep on my path even if it seemed contrary to the ways other people parent. If you are doing things opposite and your circle is limited with others who get you, attending a parenting conference like the Whole Child Conference can be edifying and the confidence boost that you need.
- Time to think. When I am home I have many things to do from housekeeping to teaching to working my small businesses. By attending a parenting conference, I have time to think specifically about parenting and nothing else. I really believe that we all need a break from our everyday environments so that we can gain a fresh perspective. I attended a workshop at every scheduled hour except one because I knew that I needed to build in time of solitude in order for me to think and meditate on parenting. If it's hard for you to steal time away when you're home attending a conference can allow you to build in the time that you need so you can really think about your goals and purpose as a parent.
Family Matters
The Whole Child Initiative focuses on providing caregivers such as parents, adoptive parents, foster parents, teachers, and social workers the tools they need to care for the children in their care. The conference highlighted self-care for caregivers, getting our families through the foods we eat, and more. If you are looking for a conference opened to a wider range of caregiving needs, consider the Whole Child Conference. It provides valuable information to help us take care of the children in our care.