What We're Creating: Hand Painted Pillows
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The girls have taken an interest to sewing so this summer a sewing machine made its way to our home. We attempted using the child-type sewing machine, but it was not worth it. The girls are instead using a Singer Tradition Sewing Machine.
Their first project was Hand Painted Pillows. I found the idea for this pillow in We Love to Sew by Annabel Wrigley.
The project called for:
1/2 yard natural colored cotton canvas
1/2 yard pattern fabric
I purchased 1 yard of the canvas and 1 yard of each of the girls pattern fabric. We still have canvas and pattern fabric leftover.
Sewing machine and basic sewing supplies such as scissors, needle, & thread
Before beginning the project, we washed the canvas. After the canvas was washed and dried, the girls traced the bird template which was found in the book onto their canvas. Once the bird was traced, they painted the birds with colors of their choosing. I purchased a ten pack of paint because it was the most reasonable route at Michael's.
The girls are tracing a bird on the canvas.
Instead of cutting around their birds to make their pillows the shape of a bird, the girls opted for a rectangular shaped pillow. I would think this made sewing a little easier which was great since this was their first sewing project.
She's focused!
The best part of this project was dad stepped up to the machine, and actually helped them construct their pillows.
She is having lots of fun sewing with her dad.
They love their new pillows, and they both were really pleased with completing this project. I am not sure what they will sew next, but they are looking forward to it. :)
The finished product.

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