Thoughts from a 10-year-old | Why I Like Homeschooling
Hi, I'm 10. My mom let me write on her blog about why I like homeschooling. :D
10 Reasons I Like Homeschooling from a Ten-Year-Old's Perspective
- I like homeschooling because I don't have to wake up early.
- We make our own schedule.
- It's fun! We play games. We go for long walks. We hang out with our friends.
Reading what I want when I want in my comfy robe!
- I can get more understanding because I can just ask, and she won't have to worry about other kids except my sister.
- I get to go on more field trips! :)
It's fun to travel on a school day!
- When we travel on the weekdays, my mom doesn't have to call the school. We just go!
- I don't get bullied! :D
- I get to learn things that I didn't get to learn at school like math. My kindergarten teacher didn't let us do much math on our own. That is one thing I didn't like about that year of public school.
We take advantage of the tennis courts in our complex during the day.
- I can stay in my pajamas!! :D
- I have a teacher I really know! :)
What do your kiddo's like about homeschooling? Share in the comments.