What We're Learning:: Simply Homeschooling
We have officially completed one month of the 2015-2016 school year. It is my hope for this year to start back sharing a weekly update. This will be a great way for me to reflect and remember the highlights of our week.
This week was a week of simplicity which helped me to ground myself in first things. One of my weekly quotes which finds itself written throughout my planner is "First Things First". I easily distract myself. Most of my distractions are not bad things, but nonetheless they are distractions.
Book Learning:
Our schedule is full with a variety of subjects and topics. I try to be cautious to not add too much for simply the sake of having a full schedule. So far, the girls are pleased with the curriculum we are using and the topics they are learning.
In math, both girls are working at their age suggested grade level by using Christian Light Mathematics. We have had success this month in math. The lessons are longer, but not as long as we had made ourselves believe they were. This is especially true for my third grader, she likes to get done with things fast so the lessons seem like they take forever, but in reality they aren't as long if she focuses instead of distracting herself (I guess she gets it honestly :)). I did question if it was the curriculum, but she does the same with regular workbooks and online math. She does well in math so I figure this will be the subject that takes a little while to complete. Our oldest daughter has found success in her weaker areas of math which is exciting. She wasn't fond of division outside of basic division, but this month she declared that division was fun. I am thankful for this revelation! We did need a fall out and break down to get this point in math, but it was worth out. She is my very independent daughter so she prided herself on teaching herself everything pertaining to math. She isn't this way in all areas of life.
300 piece puzzle completion, art at the park with friends, math and donuts, Notgrass history
This week, we added new subjects. Our new subjects included spelling, Latin, and U.S. History. The girls are enjoying America the Beautiful by Notgrass, As I have shared before history isn't my best subject, but luckily God has provided us with this program at just the right time.
Life Skills:
The girls are now our weekend dish washers. This has been a blessing. I am glad that their dad recognized that they could handle this chore. My oldest actually volunteered to wash the dishes for me during the week which on that particular day was a blessing.
As always, we are focusing on thinking. It is important that the girls recognize and realize that everything is not what is seen with our natural eyes. I know this skill is one that is ongoing.
Just for Fun:
We had a fabulous games of charades. Thanks, Target Dollar Spot! We've tried to play with our imaginations, but since we have characters in our family it was a bit much. The cards from the dollar section were helpful. We still managed to have some unimaginable portrayals. For instance, one daughter sang Opera although charades is a quiet game. The other threw herself on the floor, stood up, shook her head, and called it dust. Sometimes, I just don't understand.
How was your week? Do you post a weekly update? If so, share your link in the comments and I will stop by.
This post is linked to #CollageFriday.
Be blessed!

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