What I'm Creating: Falling Back into Scrapbooking

The first scrapbook I created was for my oldest daughter.  I was so excited about being a mom, and I wanted her to have documentation of her "babyhood" as the girls call it.  Another reason documenting was important to me was the fact that I do not have any pictures of me when I was an infant.  I have a few school pictures and my aunts have a few everyday photos, but they are all pictures of me as a child rather than a baby.

Both girls have scrapbooks of their first year of life. And I am happy to say that they were both completed before the girls realized that the scrapbooks existed.  Their scrapbooks, I think, are their favorite past time.

After seeing the way they appreciated their baby scrapbooks, I decided that I would start another scrapbook for their childhoods. Well, it was my intention to work in this scrapbook yearly since it was to document their birthdays and a few photos from throughout the year. I didn't keep up with this.  Last month, I was introduced to the scrapbooking club through our park district.  This reminded me that I had two incomplete scrapbooks that needed lots of love.  Our oldest daughter is 10, and I hadn't added any pictures since she was three, and this was also true of my youngest daughter's book. I guess I didn't want them to surpass the age of three so I stopped.  Who knows!?

I still have to add more pictures, but each set of pages has the birthday and photos throughout the year.  This is R's 6th birthday page.

Although the books are not complete, I have been back to working on them.  I have added most of the decorations to the book, but now I have go through my photos to select ones to be printed so that I can add them to their books.    This scrapbook project will end at the age of 10 because there are only enough pages for years 2 to 10.  Since my fire has been reignited for scrapping, I am looking forward to my next project for them.

Photos of D as a four year old.  I have to print pictures from her actual birthday.

As always, I am reminded how God looks out for me.  I had started feeling a little antsy and anxious, and getting back started on the scrapbooks helped me to relax and reflect on the beautiful life He has blessed us to share with one another.

Do you scrapbook or craft?  What are ways you create?

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 ©2009- 2015 A Little This... A Little That. All rights reserved. All photographs, text, artwork, and other content may not be reproduced or transmitted in any form without the written permission of the author. http://lilthisandthat.com