Learning About the Biblical Feasts and Holy Days- REVIEW
In our culture, there are many, many holidays. If you look at any American calendar, you are sure to find at least one holiday in each month from Martin Luther King's Day to Christmas Day. Over the past few years, I have found myself desiring to celebrate fewer holidays. This change has mainly come about because the word holiday is derived from the words holy day, and many days labeled as holidays aren't necessarily holy. This shift has sparked many conversations in our family which is why I requested help from Grapevine. We received the digital version of the study to review including the Traceable lessons which can be used with Pre-K and Kindergarten children.
Grapevine Studies calendar helps to keep us on track with Biblical events.
The Biblical Feasts and Holy Days study begins with the Sabbath. The Sabbath is the first Holy Day mentioned in the Bible. We learned about the Sabbath using both the New and Old Testament. By learning about the origin of the Sabbath and the Messiah's fulfillment of it, we have a deeper understanding of the meaning of the Sabbath.
There are eight other Biblical feasts and days taught in the study including Purim, Passover, Feast of First Fruits, and The Day of Atonement. Purim is the only feast which was established by men instead of God.
The study divides the feasts and days by the seasons in which it is observed. The fall feasts and days include the Feast of Trumpets while the spring feasts and days include Passover. Additional information is taught such as the offerings chart so that the student will be able to better comprehend what is being offered during a particular feast.
We start our day with Grapevine Studies.
As we've worked through the Biblical Feasts and Holy Days Bible study, we have come to have a better understanding of God and His purpose for creating specific days for His people to observe. Before this study, I had very little knowledge about most of the Biblical feasts. The study not only provided me with knowledge about these special days from God's Word, but it also helped me to be okay with the fact that I don't observe a majority of the days written on our calendar.
If you are interested in learning about the feasts of the Bible, consider this study from Grapevine Studies.