Joy in the Ordinary

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Five Minute Friday: Breathe

It's Sunday afternoon, and I am finally sitting down to write the latest Five Minute Friday post.  This is partially because I've been holding my breath since Thursday.  Trying to be patient, but not really.  Questioning everything I thought I knew.  Wondering.  Not breathing.

In the midst of chaos and confusion, we must continue to breathe.  Our lives do not stop when something unexpected happens.  It is in those moments we must remember where our source of life truly comes from.  Does it come from our own strength? No.  Does it come from our own knowledge?  No.  It comes from the Most High God who will breathe truth into us even when we are allowing ourselves to believe lies.  Lies that seep in when are defenses our down.

Today I am choosing to breathe.  Holding my breath isn't getting me anywhere.

Join us each Friday or Sunday :) over at where she shares a word for us to write about five minutes straight without editing.