Joy in the Ordinary

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20 Ways to Find Joy in the Moment

It can feel impossible to feel joy and peace when everything around you seems to be going every way but the right way. While we can't change the situations outside my control, I know we can do a few things to help ourselves remain joyful. 

20 Practical Ways to Find Joy in the Moment 

  1. Practice gratitude. Write a list of things you are grateful for.

  2. Talk about the feelings that you are experiencing. It can seem like holding them in would be the better option, but sharing that you do not feel your best can actually boost your mood.

  3. Go for a walk. Moving your body allows your brain to switch focus, and it allows you to get outside where you might see something that puts a smile on your face.

  4. Do something for another person. When we take the focus off ourselves, our perspectives can shift.

  5. Create something. I know everyone doesn't see themselves as artists, but we all can create; writing a story, baking a cake, knitting a scarf, or painting a picture take time to create.

  6. Smell something that makes you feel good. I learned this trick when I visited a local home store. I was having a hard time, but then I smelled a Frasier Fir scented candle. The scent changed me; now, it's my go-to smell for a quick joy boost.

  7. Reflect on a funny moment because it's true that laughter is good for the soul.

  8. Hug yourself.

  9. Hug a family member or pet.

  10. Text a friend to check in and say hi.

  11. Go down memory lane by scrolling through your photo gallery. We often scroll social media to be inspired by other people's lives, but what if we took a minute to scroll through our memories.

  12. Hone in on something regular in your home, like the kitchen sink, and acknowledge why you appreciate it.

  13. Make some future plans to have, like an outing with a friend or a family vacation.

  14. Read scripture or a quote that reminds you of what is true. One of my favorite scriptures is Philippians 4:7.

  15. Turn on some music and dance!

  16. Stimulate your mind. Stimulating your mind can look different based on your interests. For example, I enjoy playing games like the mini New York Times Crossword puzzles and reading books.

  17. Relish in doing nothing at all. I like to sit in a quiet room and be.

  18. Straighten up your space. When I seek joy in cleaning, I typically take out the broom and sweep. I find it extremely calming.

  19. Focus on the beauty of your space. For example, I like color, so I seek beauty in art, fabric, or nature.

  20. Eat a good meal and sip a favorite drink.

These are some practical ways that I find joy. Most of the time, I rarely need to leave my home to seek joy, but I also enjoy going for a nice drive and window shopping to get inspiration. I think experiencing joy is the same as finding peace and contentment; when I feel peace, everything feels right, even when chaos is swirling around me. 

What are some ways you feel joy at the moment? Do you do any of these things to center yourself?

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