Our First Week of Homeschooling for 2016-2017
Last week, we found our way back to the books. I can honestly say it was a great start of the year. As the days progressed, I knew I wanted to start back sharing weekly updates here. I am optimistic that we will have a good school year, and I want to be able to look back on the different things we will accomplish this year after this season has passed plus have been told that sharing some of the things that we do in our home school actually help other families who have taken on the call to home educate.
Five Courses We're Using Through SchoolhouseTeachers.com
It is that time of year when everyone is planning and preparing to give their children the best year yet. There's talk online and off about the resources and curriculum that will be used in specific households. Well, I am adding my two cents to the conversation.
Thoughts About Being a Young, Black Home School Mom
When we began our home school journey, I was in my late 20s. I hadn't considered home educating my daughters much until I started home educating them. Luckily, I have a very supportive husband who doesn't mind my go with the flow ways.
Tips for Keeping Joy in Your Home School
Over the past few months, I have been intentional in finding joy in everyday moments including those moments occurring during our prime learning hours.
Balancing Between Mother and Home School Teacher
Home schooling often places the primary teacher in a unique situation. Rarely, does one have to balance a personal relationship along with a more structured relationship. When the girls were younger, I really didn’t think there was a difference, but as they age and the work becomes more involved I have noticed there is a distinction between teacher and mother. Now some may argue that shifting between the two isn’t required because I am equally both. Although I am always their mother, there are times where I have to show more discipline as their instructor/ facilitator while there other times when I have to say academics can wait due to more pressing personal needs.