Three Ways to Incorporate History into Your Homeschool
Do you struggle with keeping history on your homeschooling schedule? If so, here are three simple ways to help you incorporate history into your homeschool sooner rather than later.
Learning about the Holidays
Do you celebrate all of the holidays on the calendar? Or do you and your family celebrate a handful faithfully?
Home School Reflections: Which curriculum are we really using?
We've changed our homeschool curriculum a bit since the beginning of fourth and sixth grades.
Home School Reflections: Teaching My Weakest Subject- History
I am not a history teacher. History was one of the subjects that I often struggled with because it didn't grasp my attention. This is also true for government. Textbooks filled with words often lost me unless there was a story between the pages that caught my eye. So you can imagine that this truth has made an impact on our homeschool.
Our Homeschool Curriculum Choices for 4th and 6th Grades
Homeschool curriculum selections for 4th and 6th grade including math, history, science, writing, and more.